Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Transformation

The transformation will be done 80% naturally and 20% synthetically. I am attempting to stop eating red meat...well meat period, but I have to say it is quite hard. When you try to stop "cold turkey" it seems your body goes through this withdrawal and you crave meat (protein). So I have decided to take it step my step cutting out pork ("the swine"), then beef, then chicken. I will stick to fish and other seafood...I couldn't possibly give that up! The reason I have chosen to give up the bulk of meat is because of all the drugs, dyes, and who knows what else they are pumping into these animals before and after slaughter. I just don't like how I feel after I eat meat and technically one is not supposed to feel "so tired" after completing a meal...that is the drugs and hormones from the food affecting your body. I will enhance my diet with organic fruits and veggies where possible and cut out the processed food (it's the devil), which will allow my body to loose the weight and tone certain areas like my mid-section. I am ready for the transformation, so watch out now, here I come! Will you join me?

*Tranquility & Serenity*

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